This amazing product is just used to practice, helping to ease your worries! The intention is for you to get used to it, to practice heating your bottle using the heat activator powder and heat pad!

Thousands of Clear Choice customers each week ask the best way to heat their Synthetic Urine Kit. They wonder how to use the heat activator powder and if they should use the heat pad with or not! Well, the brains at Clear Choice have solved another problem.

Now available, The synthetic urine Practice Kit designed especially for your Sub Solution synthetic urine Kit or Pre-mixed Quick Luck Kit.

First time or a dab hand at using synthetic urine? Either way, each time can be slightly nerve-wracking. Clear Choice once again has the perfect solution!!

The practice Kit includes:

  • 3oz Mixing Container
  • Easy-to-read temperature strip
  • Heat Pad
  • Heat Activator


Click here to view and/or download Instructions PDF.
